
Method of Payment

Check,  Money Order, Cash, or Square Payments (3% + $.10 applied) are accepted. Office personnel should directly receipt any cash payments. Evangel Christian will not be responsible for any cash payments sent by any other means.


Children will not be allowed to attend school/daycare if payment is beyond 5 school days late. Children may return to school/daycare once the delinquent week has been paid. Any child not attending school/daycare for a two-week period pending payment of a delinquent account is subject to having his/her position filled, and thus, re-admittance would be jeopardized if no available positions were open at the given time.

Accepted Deadlines

Tuition and daycare fees are due on the first of each month. There is a $20.00 late fee for payments received after the tenth of the month. If payments are delinquent more than 30 days, students will not be allowed to attend school until the account has been brought up to date. (This period must not exceed 5 school days.)